Posts tagged with "HPS"

From conceptual change to scientific imagination
News · 22 February 2022
How can history & philosophy of science and science education research inform and influence each other? We take conceptual change and scientific imagination as an example to explore this question.

Following in Einstein's Footsteps
News · 18 January 2022
I published an opinion piece in the History & Philosophy of Science & Science Teaching (HPS&ST) newsletter. Read on if you're interested in modernising physics education through HPS 🤓

Runner-up for New Philosopher
News · 24 August 2021
chose my piece "Spaces without and within" as the runner-up for their writers' award Slightly smiling face Check out the upcoming issue to find my musings on space & how space enables and restricts our abilities to make sense of the cosmos Woman astronaut

New Philosopher Writers' Award
News · 26 May 2021
Whoop whoop, I won the Writers' Award of my favourite philosophy magazine, the New Philosopher. My piece "The interplay between nature and ourselves" draws on quantum mechanics to explore the centrality of human perception in our attempts to understand the world 🤓