I am delighted to announce season 6 of our International Modern Physics & Research in Education Seminar Series (IMPRESS) - check out the dates and speakers 💫
We are looking for a PhD candidate to join us for a research project exploring how primary school science teachers can foster nature connectedness in their students 🔍
Models are at the core of scientific inquiry. In my latest piece for the Norwegian Centre for Science Education, I use the history of gravity as a case study to illustrate how models become crucial tools in advancing scientific knowledge.
Even Indiana Jones might feel a twinge of jealousy! Alongside the team from Sag mal du als Physiker, I embarked on a quest for the holy grail of physics - the legendary theory of everything. If you're a German speaker, tune into the episode 🤠
Clearly, metaphors are ubiquitous in physics. But what distinct roles do metaphors actually play in processes of doing, learning, and teaching physics? Together with Rubén Sampieri-Cábal I look for answers to this question 🙂
New year, new season of IMPRESS! Our favourite seminar series on modern physics education research returns for another season – mark the dates in your calendar 💥
How can we modernise physics education? In our latest directions paper, we bring together four leading physics educators who present visions for the future of our field 🧭
What do you think about the different interpretations of quantum physics? And which one is your favourite? This is a deeply personal, sometimes delicate issue among physicists – and one that I explore in the latest episode of "Sag mal du als Physiker".