Podcast: thought experiments in physics
What if thought itself could be a laboratory? In my latest podcast episode with the wonderful team from Sag mal du als Physiker, we explore how simple "what if" questions have revolutionised physics 💫

From conceptual change to scientific imagination
How can history & philosophy of science and science education research inform and influence each other? We take conceptual change and scientific imagination as an example to explore this question 🤓

Following in Einstein's Footsteps
I published an opinion piece in the History & Philosophy of Science & Science Teaching (HPS&ST) newsletter. Read on if you're interested in modernising physics education through HPS 🤓

Runner-up for New Philosopher
The New Philosopher chose my piece "Spaces without and within" as the runner-up for their writers' award. Check out the upcoming issue "Identity" to find my musings on space & how space enables and restricts our abilities to make sense of the cosmos 👩🚀