Visualizing Four Dimensions in Special and General Relativity
How can we link mathematical concepts with physical intuition and artistic vision to understand the cosmos? My latest Springer Nature chapter explores our historic struggle to visualize spacetime in special and general relativity.

Teacher Workshop: Modern Physics & Digital Learning
How can we teach modern physics using possibilities of distance learning? Join me for two digital professional development workshops with BroAOF this summer.

Einsteinian Physics in the Classroom
The Einsteinian Physics Education Research (EPER) Collaboration aims to pool and combine innovative learning approaches. We are proud to have published our first joint paper that reports on an integrated pilot programme that combines physical models and digital resources to explore secondary school students understanding in Einsteinian Physics.

New paper out: Free fall in curved spacetime
How can we visualise gravity in general relativity? My new article in Physics Education presents a new digital model that illustrates how warped time gives rise to gravity. I hope the model will act as a supplement to the use of the popular rubber sheet model that only takes spatial curvature into account.

General relativity in upper secondary school
Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity is rarely present in school physics curricula due to its abstract nature. Yet, our research suggests that upper secondary students can obtain a qualitative understanding of general relativity. Read our latest research article to see how we introduced students to the world of relativity.

General Relativity on Viten
Within project ReleQuant, I developed an online learning environment about general relativity targeted at upper secondary school students. In January 2018, the Norwegian Centre for Science Education launched the program on the learning platform Viten. You can find the Norwegian version of the program here.