Interview with EduINAF
How do I combine my love for physics & science communication in my research? What does physics education research actually look like? And why does Einsteinian physics motivate students? Claudia Mignone interviewed me about all things relativity, education & creativity for EduINAF 🚀

The Future of Science Communication
I feel happy and honoured that I was one of 50 early career researchers who participated at the International Summer School Communicating Science. The future of science communication looks bright!

Runner-up for New Philosopher
The New Philosopher chose my piece "Spaces without and within" as the runner-up for their writers' award. Check out the upcoming issue "Identity" to find my musings on space & how space enables and restricts our abilities to make sense of the cosmos 👩🚀

New paper: girls' interest in Einsteinian physics
How does Einsteinian physics impact middle-school girls' perception of and interest in physics? My latest paper gives answers and argues that Einsteinian physics offers excellent opportunities to inspire middle-school girls and help them see future possibilities in physics ☺️

More podcast fun!
We did it again! German physics podcast "Sag mal, du als Physiker" invited me to chat about gravitational waves: we had a blast and I'm sure so will you! Go and check out the episode 🎙

New Philosopher Writers' Award
Whoop whoop, I won the Writers' Award of my favourite philosophy magazine, the New Philosopher. My piece "The interplay between nature and ourselves" draws on quantum mechanics to explore the centrality of human perception in our attempts to understand the world 🤓

IAU PhD Prize
I am over the moon that the International Astronomical Union awarded me the PhD Prize in the Division of Education, Outreach, and Heritage. The prize recognises outstanding scientific achievements of astronomy PhD students around the world ☺️

Teaching Einsteinian Physics in Schools
BIG NEWS: our book "Teaching Einsteinian Physics in Schools - An Essential Guide for Teachers for Teachers in Training and Practice" will come out this July 🎉

Embodied cognition in science education
What is the role of the human body in science education? In my new paper, I combine perspectives of cognitive science, philosophy, and psychology to provide a comprehensive overview of embodied cognition in science education.

ECU2021 Live Sessions
Did you miss the webinars of our virtual physics education session at ECU2021? You can now watch the full webinars and browse all talks on the conference website!

Bend it like dark matter!
Dark matter is one of the most intriguing scientific mysteries of our time and offers exciting instructional opportunities for physics education in high schools. Check out Julia Woithe and my latest paper in Physics Education!

The invisibility of time dilation
Many Einsteinian phenomena are invisible to the naked eye and defy our everyday experiences. In our latest paper, Theo Hughes and I explore how we can picture time dilation 🤓

Virtual reality in astrophysics
Virtual reality can turn abstract concepts into experienceable phenomena. Together with OzGrav, I have studied the exciting opportunities of using VR to transform science education and public outreach practices. Take a look and let me know what you think 💫

Royal Astronomical Society Poster Competition
I'm happy to see my study on girls' attitudes towards Einsteinian Physics as part of the Royal Astronomical Society's Early Career Poster Exhibition. Check out the fantastic work done by so many talented students and researchers in astronomy and space science.

Public Talk for Haus der Astronomie (Online)
I'm excited to give a public talk on the foundations of general relativity as part of the online series "Faszination Astronomie Online" hosted by Haus der Astronomie, Center for Astronomy Education and Outreach. The talk is in German and will be live-streamed Tuesday, August 18th 2020, 7pm CEST.

Visualizing Four Dimensions in Special and General Relativity
How can we link mathematical concepts with physical intuition and artistic vision to understand the cosmos? My latest Springer Nature chapter explores our historic struggle to visualize spacetime in special and general relativity.

Teacher Workshop: Modern Physics & Digital Learning
How can we teach modern physics using possibilities of distance learning? Join me for two digital professional development workshops with BroAOF this summer.

Einsteinian Physics in the Classroom
The Einsteinian Physics Education Research (EPER) Collaboration aims to pool and combine innovative learning approaches. We are proud to have published our first joint paper that reports on an integrated pilot programme that combines physical models and digital resources to explore secondary school students understanding in Einsteinian Physics.

General Relativity in Schools
Call me Dr. Magdalena Kersting! I have successfully defended my PhD-thesis "Teaching General Relativity in Secondary School" and what a ride it has been! Let's celebrate science and let's bring Einstein's ideas into the classroom!