Developing an Einsteinian science curriculum from years 3–10


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In recent years, there has been growing recognition that school science curricula have not kept pace with the profound advancements in our understanding of the physical world. Our two new papers address this gap by focusing on how Einsteinian physics - covering quantum mechanics and relativity - can be integrated into school education from an early age, and how we can prepare teachers for this shift.

These papers are the result of many years of collaboration with the Australian Einstein-First team who have done excellent work in moderninsing the science curriculum. Well done, team πŸ™‚


Kaur, T., Kersting, M., Blair, D., Adams, K., Treagust, D., Santoso, J., Lonshakova, A., Boublil, S., Zadnik, M., Ju, L., Wood, D., Horne, E., & McGoran, D. (2024). Developing and implementing an Einsteinian science curriculum from years 3–10: A. Concepts, rationale and learning outcomes. Physics Education.


Kaur, T., Kersting, M., Adams, K., Blair, D., Treagust, D., Lonshakova, A., Boublil, S., Santoso, J., Ju, L., Zadnik, M., Wood, D., Horne, E., McGoran, D., Scott, S., & Venville, G. (2024). Developing and implementing an Einsteinian science curriculum from years 3–10: B. Teacher upskilling: response to training and teacher’s classroom experience. Physics Education, 59(6), 065014.

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