Developing an Einsteinian science curriculum from years 3–10
Two new papers present our Einsteinian science curriculum from Years 3 to 10 and show how we can prepare teachers to confidently teach these topics 💪

Podcast: the theory of everything
Even Indiana Jones might feel a twinge of jealousy! Alongside the team from Sag mal du als Physiker, I embarked on a quest for the holy grail of physics - the legendary theory of everything. If you're a German speaker, tune into the episode 🤠

IMPRESS season 5
New year, new season of IMPRESS! Our favourite seminar series on modern physics education research returns for another season – mark the dates in your calendar 💥

Mapping out future directions in modern physics education
How can we modernise physics education? In our latest directions paper, we bring together four leading physics educators who present visions for the future of our field 🧭

New podcast: interpreting quantum physics
What do you think about the different interpretations of quantum physics? And which one is your favourite? This is a deeply personal, sometimes delicate issue among physicists – and one that I explore in the latest episode of "Sag mal du als Physiker" 🤓

IMPRESS returns for a fourth season
Buckle up, physics fans! IMPRESS, the International Modern Physics & Research in Education Seminar Series, is back for its fourth season 🚀

Virtual reality in astronomy education
I'm excited to share our latest paper, in which we reflect on design principles for using virtual reality in astronomy education 💫

The future of physics education
IMPRESS, the monthly seminar series on modern physics education research, is hosting a symposium on the future of physics education. Get inspired by cutting-edge research and connect with like-minded colleagues on June 30 2023 🙂

Bohr, Einstein and the quest for our quantum reality
What are the links between quantum physics and our understanding of reality? I welcomed Michael, Johannes, and Jens from the German physics podcast "Sag mal du als Physiker" in Copenhagen, the birthplace of Niels Bohr. Tune in to our episode 🤓

Encountering Einsteinian physics in the classroom
How can we realise the full potential of Einsteinian physics in school? I gave a talk at the International Modern Physics & Research in Education Seminar Series (IMPRESS), discussing young girls' interest in and engagement with physics 👩🎓

A case for conceptual approaches in general relativity education
What is the value of conceptual approaches in general relativity education? In my latest opinion piece, I argue that we need to give students more opportunities to reason qualitatively and probe their physical intuition 🙇♀️

Why Can't You Escape a Black Hole?
Black holes sound like objects from a science fiction story! Matteo Luca Ruggiero and I wrote an explainer that was reviewed and edited by kids via Frontier for Young Minds. How cool is that? Please share with the kids in your life and let us know what you think 🤓

Modern Physics Education Seminar Series
We are excited to kickstart the International Modern Physics & Research in Education Seminar Series (IMPRESS). Our monthly seminars will give momentum to modern physics education and increase the visibility of physics education research (PER). Join us 😎

Modern physics education in Denmark and around the world
Why should we modernise physics education in schools? I talked to Magnus Boye from the Department of Science Education about my research and new projects at the University of Copenhagen 🙃

Book review: Albert belongs in the classroom
Popular YouTube channel Physics High has reviewed our book Teaching Einsteinian Physics in Schools. Part of the review contains an interview with David Blair and me where we argue for the value of modernising the physics curriculum 🤓

ChatPhysics Author Q&A Einsteinian Physics
ChatPhysics invited us to an author Q&A of Teaching Einsteinian Physics in Schools. Missed the event? No worries, you can watch the recording or read the book review over at ChatPhysics 😎

Following in Einstein's Footsteps
I published an opinion piece in the History & Philosophy of Science & Science Teaching (HPS&ST) newsletter. Read on if you're interested in modernising physics education through HPS 🤓

Einsteinian physics boosts motivation
How can Einsteinian physics motivate girls in the science classroom - and beyond? Hilde Lynnebakken got curious about my research on middle-school girls' perception of Einstein and interviewed me for science magazine Titan 🙂

Einsteinian Physics on ABC radio
The Science Show on ABC featured a short radio piece on Einstein-First and our book "Teaching Einsteinian physics in schools". We discuss the role of educational research and how Einsteinian physics can greatly motivate students. Give the show a listen!

New paper: girls' interest in Einsteinian physics
How does Einsteinian physics impact middle-school girls' perception of and interest in physics? My latest paper gives answers and argues that Einsteinian physics offers excellent opportunities to inspire middle-school girls and help them see future possibilities in physics ☺️