Encountering Einsteinian physics in the classroom

Flyer of the International Modern Physics and Research in Education Seminar Series (IMPRESS) featuring Magdalena Kersting

Flyer via IMPRESS

How can we realise the full potential of Einsteinian physics in school? I gave a talk at the International Modern Physics & Research in Education Seminar Series (IMPRESS), discussing young girls' interest in and engagement with physics. 

You can find the recording of the talk on the IMPRESS website and read more about our study in the accompanying paper:

Kersting, M., Schrocker, G., & Papantoniou, S. (2021). β€˜I loved exploring a new dimension of reality’–a case study of middle-school girls encountering Einsteinian physics in the classroom. International Journal of Science Education, 43(12), 2044-2064. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2021.1950943 

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